Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dickie Jo's, Eugene, Oregon

A huge billboard along the Eugene Hwy claims that Dickie Jo's has the best rated burger in Eugene. Sounds like a challenge. So as we were cruising town this afternoon looking for a lunch hot spot called Burrito Boys, a place the gal at Home Depot claims to eat there 7 days a week, we came across Dickie Jos near downtown Eugene.

Lunch: Basic burger, fries and a pop. This a place you order at the counter. Interestingly, the burger/fries comes with fry sauce, but you have to pump your own ketsup. The burger jockey brings the food to your table sporting along a huge pepper mill. "Pepper on your fries?" "Dam right,  grind away dude!"

Summary: kinda a cross between 5-Guys bugers and DQ. Pretty good. Awesome pepper.

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