Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cabin Butte Fire Camp, Jordan Valley, OR

 The chow shack at the Cabin Butte fire camp, was catered by the Outpost. When I arrived on Monday dinner was underway and the crowd seemed pleased. I pulled up a folding chair with my plate of grub, 2 steaks, baked potato, green beans, and dinner roll, milk & lemonade. Steak was very good, although already cooled down from its ideal internal temperature. The potato, however, was destined for the garbage from the first bite. I dont know how you get a potato cooked to the point that there is no solid meat inside, but my potato had a sponge like texture inside, like the potato was cooked right out of it.

The next night improvements were on tap. Chicken fajitas, beef taco, rice & beans. Ole~

Breakfast, well, breakfast during my stay included eggs, hash browns and meat, (sausage, bacon), chocolate milk. Now, I have to admit I have never seen bacon this thin. I bet they get 136 slices of bacon from a pound of pig. You can see right thru the bacon, and the grease is plentiful. Even Bobs bacon isnt this greasy.

My handsome young model, Dave, who also doubles as the teams IC, poses with a order on Tuesday, with the added benefits of biscuits & gravy. Oh isnt he cute.
Looks to me like he is pretty proud of that plate. I give him a couple hours to digest that and then we'll see.

Overall rating:
Service: fantastic
Bathrooms: typical pine smell porta-johns
Milk: ice cold
Camp crew: outstanding
Food: I hope the fire ends soon.

Folks, its  fire camp, not the Outpost in John Day which serves a fantastic meal.

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