Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursdays lineup

Just like a routine set in, breakfast Thursday morning is at RJ's.  I order a #1 on the menu, bacon & eggs, which just so happens to be  on special this morning, 70 cents off normal price. Bob, the owner is the last to know what the special is.  For me add rye toast, cook the hash browns crisp, eggs over medium, and i'm set. 3/5 of the normal crowd is in attendance, minus 1 is on fire assignment in Georgia, and 1 apparently needed his beauty sleep.
Timeline lunch.
Smokin pit B-B-Q is set up in the B&B sporting goods parking lot. Last week, when I finally made it to the ordering window, the chicken wasn't yet done, this week when I show up a half hour later, he is sold out of chicken. Oh my, apparently its not meant to be. Dragged myself defeated,  homeward  and had a non-discript bowl of lental soup instead. Will I muster up the will next week? Time will tell.

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