Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Watch out for the toothpick

Forgive me for the RANT, but i have have to call it as I see it..
I visited this place several months ago, and in my un-biased report told you the service was disappointing, or maybe even subpar. In addition the food took a long time and the we had to beg for salsa, sour cream,  & water. In fairness, I decided to try it again.
The sign says authentic Mexican food. Not.
Now when we arrived 5 tables had just been seated. As I eyeballed the patrons it became painfully obvious, none had yet to have their food delivered. Uh-oh. Crisis mode. This is a view of my plate for the next 45 mintes. Nada, empty, zippo......
Another quality check. The napkins supplied here are a single ply 3X6 piece of toilet paper substitute. One wipe and its used up.  I needed additional napkin backup.

Out of the waitress's apron came a wad of wadded up spares which got promptly plopped on the table. Meanwhile, the waiter came by for the 6th time saying how they just got slammed with all the tables. It was gonna be a while. I did see some food start to trickle out of the kitchen, 1 & 2 plates at a time. Meanwhle the table of 4 got half the food and 14 minutes later got the other one, then 5 more got the final plate. Oh, I was getting worried. The table with 7 adults and 4 teens took for-ever to get everyone fed. I mean 40 plus minutes. Plus they had to get up and go to the counter and ask for more beer and additional drinks every time. Here is a servers quality test. If your water glass is empty, it needs to be refilled. Pass/Fail. 3 times FAIL.
OK, our turn. On course, my food was delivered first, followed 8 minutes later by Debs plate.
Salty beef tacos, chili relleno with overly blackened skin still attached, and the grand finale`, the waitress says "Watch out for the toothpicks, the cook holds the chilies together and she never knows where they end up." Surprise!
Hasta la Vista, baby.

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